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News Coverage


"Andrew Saundry, a member of the central committee, asked each of the candidates seeking the nomination Tuesday a question many of the observers had been waiting for: Would the candidates support reforms to the central committee appointment process in Annapolis?


Most of the group vying for the nomination agreed that some form of reform should take place."


~Danielle Gaines, Maryland Matters





"Andrew Saundry, a Germantown resident, agreed that more service is needed on the MARC line up to Frederick and Brunswick. But he also urged the Planning Board and Planning Department staff not to forget about upcounty when considering future transit options.


'We’re home to some of the largest increases in [population] density in Montgomery County over the last decade,' Saundry said. 'In spite of our growth, there’s been very little additional road capacity, and almost no additional transit capacity.'"


~Steve Bohnel, Bethesda Beat






Check out Andrew in Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow alongside Montgomery County Democratic Central Committee Member Marko Rivera-Oven (D-At-Large) and Delegate Joe Vogel (D-17) discussing Youth in local Democratic politics.










Check out Andrew testifying before the Montgomery County Council for greater protections for Renters in Montgomery County.



April 23, 2024 - Council Session (pm) - YouTube - Google Chrome 4_24_2024 5_44_36 PM.png

Authorized by Friends of Andrew Saundry, Thomas Gower, Treasurer

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